File: The most frequently asked questions about NIH-Image:
1) Downloading NIH-Image
2) Searching for answers to my question (via gopher or WWW)
3) Mail list subscribing and unsubscribing
Related: digest and postpone mode
4) NIH Image on other platforms
********** Downloading the latest version of NIH Image **********
The latest version of NIH Image, application, documents, source code, macros and more can be found on the anonymous ftp server in the directory /pub/nih-image
One of the best ways to download the program is to use the public domain application known as "Fetch".
********** Searching for answers to my question **********
If you want to search for answers to your question from answers given in the past on the NIH-Image mailing list you can do this via gopher. If you have access to gopher you can connect to or follow:
"Gopher tunnels" to "All Gopher Servers in the world" to "University of Minnesota Soil Science Gopher Information Service" and follow this path:
Computer Information/
General Information/
Search Nih-Image Mailing List Archives <?>
to search the archived messages for keywords, or
Computer Information/
General Information/
Selected Electronic Mailing List Archives/
for the actual archived messages.
Or you can follow these routes on WWW from the following URL:
The message archives which are available through gopher are also
available via ftp to:*
******** How to subscribe to the NIH-Image mailing list ***********
Note: substitute subscribe or unsubscribe as appropriate
Subscribe to the NIH Image mailing list by sending a message containing the line:
subscribe nih-image <your real name>
Send this to
Note: if you send your message to it will be routed to all on the list instead of getting you subscribed (or unsubscribed)
***** Postpone mode while away *******
Frequent statement:
> I was at a
> conference for 10 days and I am in the process of sorting
> through nearly 400 messages.
If you know you're going to be offline for a while, our LISTPROC has a
useful feature; POSTPONE, which takes you off the distribution list,
but keeps you subscribed. You can then reset your subscription when
you get back.
To postpone send message:
set NIH-Image mail postpone
To restore normal mail mode send:
set NIH-Image mail ack
***** Digest mode option for those who don't want tons of email *******
Similarly, you can also set your subscription to "digest" mode, which
collects all the daily messages (sometimes there will be very many) and sends it out once per day.
set nih-image mail digest
Send this to
To reset your subscription to "trickle", or many mailings mode send:
set nih-image mail ack
***** NIH Image on other platforms *******
From (Wayne Rasband) reply on
>I would like to know if there is (or if there are plans to do) any version
>of NIH-Image that will run on any of the following machines:
>1. Sun Sparc Workstations
NIH Image is Macintosh application but it should be possible to run it on a
SUN or HP workstation using Apple's new Mac emulator for UNIX called
Macintosh Application Environment (MAE). More infomation on MAE is
available from There is supposed to be a free
trial CD available. Note that the Sun version requires Solaris 2.3.
>2. IBM Risk's or Digital Alpha Risk's
Apple and IBM are working on a Mac emulator for IBM workstations running AIX.
>3. DOS or Unix based PC-compatibles
There is no DOS/Windows version of NIH Image.
>4. (few chances...) Convex vectorial machines
Not possible.
>>From my undesrtanding of the discussions (I'm new to this group) the main
>focus is on Apple's, and there is one version for Silicon Graphics machines.